With a broad mission and vision we are striving to be a part of the community that's transforming the world. Here are our core values:


  • Sportsman spirit: Sportsmanship, also known as sportsman spirit, is an ethos within sports in which proper consideration for respect, ethics for one’s competitors is upheld. Sportsman spirit can be considered a stable characteristic in such a way that individuals differ in the way they are usually expected to behave in sports situations and give importance to the sport more than themselves.
  • Integrity – Adopt ethical business dealings. Do what is right, say what you mean, do what you say, earn trust, and treat others with respect.
  • Fairness: Fairness is often identified as a key value of any sport. It is closely connected to the concepts of ‘Fair Play’ and ‘sportsperson ship’, which are all more complex than simply playing by the rules.
  • Teambuilding: Teambuilding frequently includes setting team goals and identifying a team mission. It is clear to see how important team building in sportcan be. A sports team requires a lot of time and energy dedicated to building a culture which leads to success.
  • Equality: Recognizing that people have equal worth whatever their differences and taking action to overcome prejudice and discrimination.
  • Discipline: Discipline is one of the most important traits being practiced through sports. Discipline is essential for any sport because it builds an athlete's character to help them focus and achieve their goals without any distractions. Beyond sports, discipline is also instrumental in succeeding other areas of life.


  • Inclusion: Inclusion through sport means providing every person full respect, dignity, value and belonging in any roles they may play. Being inclusive is about following best practice for what sport should be so that everyone can get the most out of it.
  • Personal Growth: Knowledge and information about sports and games help in personal growth and open new perspectives of maximizing one’s potentials.
  • Professionalism: We are dedicated to working professionally in all terms to maintain our standards.
  • Perseverance and Respect: Sports will challenge you mentally and physically. Learn to give 100% despite difficulties and setbacks. Always show respect for yourself, your teammates, your coaches, and your opponents. It includes respecting the rules of sport and the officials who uphold them.